To be a dynamic, living, spiritual body empowered by the Holy Spirit to share Christ with
as many people as possible in our Church, community, and throughout the world.
To be a worshipping fellowship, experiencing an awareness of God, recognizing His
person, and responding in obedience to His leadership.
To experience an increasingly meaningful fellowship with God and fellow believers.
To be a Church that ministers unselfishly to persons in the community and the world in
Jesus' name.
To help people experience a growing knowledge of God and the worth and dignity of man.
To be a Church whose purpose is to be Christ-like in our daily living by emphasizing total
commitment of life, personality, and possessions to the Lordship of Christ.

Northwest Southern Baptist Church was formed as a mission of Wetmore Baptist Church (now ConnectionPointe Church) in 1961. Its first building was an old adobe bunkhouse in the corner of a cotton field. That empty cotton field was being developed into mobile home subdivisions that would come to be known as Palmdale and Shannon Gardens. The original vision of the mission was to reach the people who would be coming to this new community. With support from Wetmore Baptist and First Southern Baptist of Tucson, the mission continued to grow and reach out.
On March 17, 1963, Pastor George Callahan led Northwest Baptist to become a self-supporting Church. The Church grew from 32 members and an average Sunday School attendance of 39 in 1963 to 95 members and an average Sunday School attendance of 61 by 1969.
We soon outgrew the bunkhouse, and a new building was needed. Under the leadership of Pastor Lyle Harmon the church built a new sanctuary, (our present fellowship hall) which was dedicated April 12, 1970. An addition was added to the north end of this building for educational space in 1972. It was during Pastor Lyle’s time at NWBC that we purchased the bell that we ring between Sunday School and Morning Worship. Membership in the 1970’s continued to grow with an average of 12 baptisms per year. Membership in 1971 was 113 with an average attendance in Sunday School of 92. This attendance remained consistent into the 1980’s.
By 1985, the Church began to grow again and more space was soon needed. Under the leadership of Pastor Dan Pann, a new sanctuary seating approximately 220 was completed in December of 1987.
In the early 1990’s, Keith Kersey became Pastor. Pastor Keith brought a great amount of energy and enthusiasm into the pulpit. He put a lot of time and effort into reaching Children and building the Children’s program. The number of kids greatly grew because of it. The church continued to grow under his leadership until he was called to a Church in his home state of Georgia in July 1995.
After his resignation, the Church called Phillip Brayden as Pastor. He served as Pastor from 1995 into 1997. Pastor Phillip led the Church through a very difficult time in which we as a Church were struggling with our mission and our vision for the future.
In March of 1998 Lee Mowery was called as Pastor. Pastor Lee led Northwest Baptist for the next 14 years until his retirement in 2012. He was implemental in a restructuring of the role of Deacon toward Biblical principles and for bringing a systematic order to the way that we operate. During his tenure the Church also purchased a lot behind the Fellowship Hall on the west side of the property.
Heath Johnson was called as Senior Pastor in October 2012. Pastor Heath has brought a renewed focus on the original vision of Northwest Baptist Church— reaching the people in our neighborhood with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He has led us to partner with Hendricks Elementary, to start a food distribution to needy people, to start Ministry on Wheels programs carrying the Light that is in us outside the walls, to host community clean ups and to cover the community in prayer through prayer driving and prayer walking. Through the vision that God has given him, we are going back to our roots.
Like any 50 year old Church, we have had some good times and some bad. Not everyone agrees on which was which. We have laughed, we have cried, and we have rejoiced, but no matter where we find ourselves we know that one things is certain: God is moving at Northwest Baptist Church. We praise Him for letting us be a part of what He is doing in our community and we look forward to the great plans for us!